Address generation for TestNet 3Nxxx and 3Mxxx

Looks strange that the following code

const generator = require(’@waves/signature-generator’);
const signAdapter = require(’@waves/signature-adapter’);
generator.config.set({ networkByte: generator.TESTNET_BYTE });
const seed = generator.Seed.create();
const adapter = new signAdapter.SeedAdapter(seed);
adapter.getAddress().then(address => console.log(address));

generates addresses with prefix 3N… and 3M…
If I understand correctly, for TestNet only 3N is possible.
Could you explain what’s can be wrong or correct me if I mistaken.

So, could you describe how address works inside the Waves platform? I cannot see any documentation.

Both 3N and 3M are ok for testnet. Address format is described here.

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