Angry Panda cryptocurrencies: ROAR, XPAND, UBEAR, EBEAR tokens

3PNiBvBvhi3anP441aZoLF4yFvyQgqASKHE жду

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Good Panda

This looks like an interesting project, excited to see it moving.


XPAND on Coin Market Daddy. :hugs: :panda_face: :large_blue_diamond: :hearts:

Write a review for XPAND, rate it and leave a feedback.

XPAND listing on Raisex Exchange

Vote if you want to add XPAND on Raisex Exchange


Good luck to the project💝

Thank you for that great opportunity!
We believe in you!

The airdrop “500 ROAR tokens to 10,000 followers” has expired and the distribution happened. Check your Waves address balance.

Thank you for participating, enjoy your airdrop and stay tuned for the next one!

Register an account on Angry Panda website and search the other members of our community by nickname, account type, country and languages spoken.

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Waves tokens and leasing pools lists


  • Qualified tokens
  • Gateways

Also, now you can:

  • check prices and volumes taken from Waves DEX
  • get supply and other useful info of an asset (pywaves)
  • request to add new tokens and leasing pools


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Register an account on Angry Panda website earn points, badges and ranks, by visiting our website and taking part in discussions with the other members to help grow our community.

:moneybag: Airdrops

Register an account on website and claim ROAR and XPAND tokens through faucets and tasks!

Check the new Questions and Answers about community points and future airdrops for our active users and contributors.

Earn points, badges and ranks by owning our tokens, visiting our website and taking part in discussions to help grow the Angry Panda community.

For the future, our reward system will also take into consideration the participation of our users, so that the most active members will be rewarded with more consistent airdrops, based on their points, badges and ranks.

Accordingly read how to verify a Waves address and link it to an Angry Panda account and update your ROAR, XPAND, UBEAR, EBEAR and Investor points, badges and ranks.

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XPAND faucet filled again. Only 8000 claims available.

Faucets give you tiny amounts of cryptos with the purpose of promoting a particular coin or token.
Our faucets won’t make you rich, but they’re a great way to get involved with the Angry Panda project and our cryptocurrencies without buying them.

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