Angry Panda cryptocurrencies: ROAR, XPAND, UBEAR, EBEAR tokens

tbh I’m perplexed by your ignorance and complete lack of interest in other peoples opinion. As you already mentioned, the sale of your token is seeing little interest, especially in this moment you should embrace whatever feedback you receive to make your project better.

Blackturtle and me both tried to show the weaknesses of your proposed project. I stand by my point that your project in the current form is not going to get any traction as there is no USP (or even any use case)

We are fully available for constructive and intelligent questions.

The problem is that you write offensively and haughty.

We are accused of not understanding anything from someone who has not read anything and presumes to understand more than us, and he also said me i’m ignorant… Well, excuse me, but you have no respect. You are just offensive.

I do not see how any of these phrases, even completely out of context, are offensive.
FWIW I read your white paper and the whole website.

Blackturtle and me both asked several questions and did not receive any satisfying answers. I tried to communicate with you and show, what I think, the weaknesses of your project.

Your reaction tells me that you are not interested in receiving any feedback, so I will refrain from further wasting my time.
The market will decide.

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The offensive words are evident and I always answered. You just spammed and spread disinformation in this topic and put this project in a bad light. Congratulation.

Yesterday we burned 9,900,000 ROAR tokens and the new total supply is now 100,000 ROAR.

Further ROAR coin burns are scheduled.

Read more and stay tuned by following the announcements on our website.

ROAR token burning – New supply: 100,000 ROAR

Here to announce that, on 18th September, we burned 97,400,000 XPAND tokens and the new total supply is now 2,600,000 XPAND.

More details on our website at the link below:
XPAND token burning – New supply: 2,600,000 XPAND

NOTE that, while ROAR is not re-issuable, XPAND is intentionally re-issuable.
This because our purpose is to keep its value under 1,100$ and to remember people to be prudent while investing, as well as to don’t overpay a coin and to avoid falling in the trap of pump and dump.
Anyway you are free to trade XPAND vs any other coin without any limits of price. i.e. at 1 BTC. Check our website or wallpaper for more info.
Therefore the new total supply will be increased again only if all XPAND tokens will be sold and, at the same time, if the price will go over 1,100$.

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I believe this project is determined to ensuring great success

Interesting project! So Good Luck!

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The Angry Panda project vision of most safe, reliable and trusted cryptocurrency project and a leading model to accelerate the grow of the cryptocurrency world is a good start to promote this cryptocurrency!

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This is awesome project after following it for sometime now and I recommend it to all cryto lover to invest in this project. You will not regret of this action.

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We are happy to announce that UBEAR token is available for sale on Waves DEX and on Angry Panda Shop.

Announcement: UBEAR token sale

Where to buy: Waves DEX | Angry Panda Shop

Asset ID: 6cmpBc8Aq1zJQJZcoDnE37FXDKZo2Bf2hzPNeyfFX5Sk
Total supply: 100,000,000 UBEAR
Issue pair: UBEAR/USD
Issue price: 1.05$
Support price: 1$
We support the price of UBEAR tokens through a repurchase at 1$

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We are happy to announce that EBEAR token is available for sale on Waves DEX and on Angry Panda Shop.

Read the announcement: EBEAR token sale

Where to buy:

  • on Waves DEX, the issue pair is EBEAR/EUR.
  • on Angry Panda Shop: EBEAR must be paid in EUR.

EBEAR token details

Asset ID: B1ztQNRtRZFqAUjmWv7cmW9ncYVEQV2wkY5qAVvaMp85
Total supply: 100,000,000 EBEAR
Issue pair: EBEAR/EUR
Issue price: 1.05€
Support price: 1€
We support the price of EBEAR tokens through a repurchase at 1€

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Coupon 4% OFF – UBEAR / EBEAR tokens

Use this coupon on Angry Panda Shop to get 4% off on UBEAR and EBEAR tokens.
Expiry date 7th October.

How to use this coupon

When you are in your CART , write COUPON 4% OFF in the Coupon code field and click on Apply coupon before you PROCEED TO CHECKOUT .

Percentage discount 4%
Products UBEAR tokens – EBEAR tokens
Minimum spend No minimum
Maximum spend No maximum
Usage limit per coupon Unlimited usage
Usage limit per user Unlimited usage
Coupon expiry date 7th Oct 2018
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Angy Panda project! Succsess!

Great project with great team

thanks if i get airdrop

how much revenue has been made in angrypanda?

Let’s say that, given the project’s purpose of protecting investors and the value of their investments, we hoped for a much more present participation.

However, we clashed on the limited liquidity of the platform, the lack of visibility on the dex, and some other “hidden resistances”.

For these reasons we have collected few funds and we are now carrying out the project by supporting ourselves more with our own capitals.

Furthermore, we had to move the development of our project also “outside” the only blockchain and exchanges trading, linking them to a real use in daily activities.

That is, for example:

  • the promotion of our tokens in physical stores starting from Italy and online stores globally, to be accepted as fast, cheap and secure payment methods
  • the use of our tokens in our Angry Panda shop to purchase digital items, products and services.

This process, however, will take longer than expected, compared to what was previously forecast if there had been more participation by investors during the ICO.