Cryptin Wavesnode

We have passed the 500k Waves leased to our node for the first time! Thanks everyone!

Our node has been upgraded to version 1.1.3 .

Payment 60 has been done. This week we mined 94 blocks for a total of 566 WAVES!

Lease to our Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8 Or use the alias: cryptinwaves to get your share!

Payment details:

We have updates our payments page. All payments in one quick overview again:

91 blocks (532 WAVES) this week! Thanks for leasing :slight_smile:

Payment report:

We are above 500k leased Waves again :muscle:

This week we mined 116 blocks! This is a new ATH for us in mined blocks and distrubuted fees (670 Waves. We are now in the processs of doing payment 62. Thanks for leasing to cryptinwaves! :muscle:

Our lease address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8

Or use the alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

We’ve upgraded our node to version 1.1.5.

We are above 600k leased Waves at the moment. Thanks everyone!

Payment 63 is being done: 123 blocks this week for 700 WAVES!

Payment details:

A new video about the Waves exchange is in production right now. We hopo to release it early december :).

The 64th weekly payment of our Wavesnode has been made. This week we mined 121 blocks for a total of 697 $WAVES. Thanks for leasing to our node!

Our Waves address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8
Or use alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

Our Wavesnode mined 127 blocks this week for a total payout of 730 $WAVES to all our lessors. Thanks for leasing to cryptinwaves!

Our Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8

Or use the alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

We are planning to make a review video of the new What would you like to be featured in such a video?

We mined 117 blocks this week for a total of 671 Waves!

Our Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8

Or use alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

Hi everyone! Another week passed so another payment. This week we mined 123 blocks for a total of 710 distributed Waves.

Lease your Waves to us to get your share next week:
Our Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8

Or use the alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

We’ve just updated our node to the latest build with hotfix

Payment 68 is underway :).

This week we mined 105 blocks for a total of 606 Waves

Get your share next week:
Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8
Alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details: