Get weighted average asset rate

Suppose I actively trade in an WCT asset.
Sometimes it is interesting to know the average price at which I bought this asset.
For this, I could copy all my buy orders to Excel and count there.
There is another option:
I send to alias wnotice 12 Betstars tokens. In the payment description I indicate the ID of the token of interest to me, in this case DHgwrRvVyqJsepd32YbBqUeDH4GJ1N984X8QoekjgH8J (for WCT).
In response, I receive a return of 6 tokens of tots and a note where there will be average purchase rates for different pairs (WCT/WAVES, WCT/BTC, WCT/USD), given the amount.
Request example
Answer example

In example response, I see my average purchase rates:
WavesCommunity / WBTC = 0.00015233
WavesCommunity / WAVES = 0.28002232

  • Service is looking for purchases among your last 500 transactions.
  • Buy tokens Betstars/WAVES

Русская версия



  • Service is looking for purchases among your last 1000 transactions.