I want to understand the script example so please let me know

This is an example in the IDE. I set this script to asset. I do not know how to transfer this asset. please tell me.

match tx {
case tx : TransferTransaction =>
let issuer = Address(base58’3MsZgp7XvTJV7TuqaZ46RJZuG2CtvcxYgC9’)
isDefined(getInteger(issuer, toBase58String(tx.id)))
case m :SetAssetScriptTransaction | SetScriptTransaction => true
case _ => false

You can use transfer function in the console of the IDE.

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Thank you for always replying. What code do you run on the console?

You can run the transfer function on the console as its explained here https://docs.wavesplatform.com/en/developer-tools/waves-console/waves-console-overview.html#section-1bc6bf76dd8ace6e4edd9dda3a878dab

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