Ledger Live integration

Is there any plan to fully integrate WAVES with ledger live? Currently the ledger integration is very spotty. Ledger is nothing more than a confirmation device without the integration with Ledger live, access to your funds is entirely dependent on both waves.echange & ledger, making it a risky way to keep your funds. As far as I can tell you can only log in to a ledger held account on waves through waves.exchange on a chrome browser, anything else is very spotty, so now you are dependent on google, ledger & waves.exchange to make a transaction. This, honestly, feels a little less secure than taking your chances with a basic waves account. My hope with ledger was that we would be able to handle transactions independently through our wallet, creating an ability to continue commerce regardless of availability of waves.exchange interface. Please consider putting some work into a full hardware wallet integration as it would make the usability of WAVES & WAVES tokens much more secure & raise the overall value of the platform.