Miner Satoshi 2.0

photo_2020-05-09 15.14.10

Token for Mining BTC Satoshi.

Holders Miner Satoshi

Receive passive income

on 1 Miner Satoshi - 1,000 Satoshi

in month.

every 27th day in month.

We invest in the best projects on the waves,

which generate income

X10 +

You can choose your own projects,

and you can also invest through

Miner Satoshi 2.0

and get 1000 BTC Satoshi in month!

In total, we have 100,000 tokens


Monthly income:

at 1 MS2.0 - 0.00001 BTC

at 10 MS2.0 - 0.0001 BTC

at 100 MS2.0 - 0.001 BTC

at 1000 MS2.0 - 0.01 BTC

on 10,000 MS2.0 - 0.1 BTC

on 100,000 MS2.0 - 1 BTC

Trading pairs:

MinerSatoshi2.0 / Waves

MinerSatoshi2.0 / ETH

MinerSatoshi2.0 / BTC