Surge - Always Price grow asset ! New economical game! Surge - coin with rising price! 中国 indonesia français Deutsch عربي и по русски!

please 3PGuHyrRh6n8deXPYA7dkDwVcxmZ1eDQ42W

LOL , ALL SELL ORDER MAKE A CRAZY PRICE. BUT NO ONE WANT TO BUY.[quote=“Xeops, post:1, topic:10152, full:true”]
Hello all Waves followers!

Two days ago everybody who hold more than 1 waves at balance get around 145 SURGE coins (SURGE of WAVES - good idea). That not a ordinary coin - it is everyday price growing coin! Made as smart asset it is guaratied minimal price depends from days passed from it’s issue.

Today price = 0.001*(1+days^2) WAVES , where days - number of days passed from 31.01.19 10:00UTC
31.01.19 10:00UTC - 01.02.19 10:00UTC - price 0 (not possible make order)

    01.02.19 10:00UTC - 02.02.19 10:00UTC - minimal price 0.002WAVES (not possible make order lower than minimal price)

    02.02.19 10:00UTC - 03.02.19 10:00UTC - minimal price 0.005WAVES (not possible make order lower than minimal price) x2.5 from previous day

    03.02.19 10:00UTC - 04.02.19 10:00UTC - minimal price 0.01WAVES (not possible make order lower than minimal price) x2 from previous day

    04.02.19 10:00UTC - 05.02.19 10:00UTC - minimal price 0.017WAVES (not possible make order lower than minimal price) x1.7 from previous day

and more and more growing…but with every day “x” price rising come little low

Who come first and risking first win more - rule of a rich life.

And the main thing is a that rules of a game guarantied by WAVES SMART CONTRACT and can’t be changed by some greed peoples as in another games.

Max time of order for that asset - 1 HOUR !!! It is impotant!!!

I wish lucky to all of you! And respect to creators of that coin!

ps: you have around 3 hours to buy coin by 0.005WAVES and sell after that by 0.01WAVES and double your invest!
Buy Surge - Always Price grow asset
Surge Telegram group
Now translates for other languages…

Приветствую всех любителей Волн!
Два дня назад все кто имел на балансе более 1 Волны получили около 145 монеток под названием SURGE или по нашему - ВСПЛЕСК (всплеск волны !:slight_smile: ). Я подумал, что пришла обычная никчёмная монетка и даже хотел попробовать её сжечь) , но решил прочитать описание к ней и увидел, что кто-то сделал на смартконтрактах отличнейшую вещь - монету , цена на которую растёт каждый день! Все стартуют со 145 Surge - всем рассказали условия игры и даже дали 1 день, чтобы в этом разобраться.

Теперь самое главное - формула роста цены :

Цена сегодня = 0.001*(1+дни^2) WAVES , где дни - это количество дней прошедшее после 31.01.19 13:00МСК

Примеры :
31.01.19 10:00UTC - 01.02.19 10:00UTC - цена 0 (ордер не выставить-давали время на то чтобы сообразить что же это за монетка :slight_smile: )

01.02.19 10:00UTC - 02.02.19 10:00UTC - минимальная 0.002WAVES (не выставить цену ниже)

02.02.19 10:00UTC - 03.02.19 10:00UTC - минимальная 0.005WAVES (не выставить цену ниже) x2.5 от предыдущего дня

03.02.19 10:00UTC - 04.02.19 10:00UTC - минимальная 0.01WAVES (не выставить цену ниже) x2 от предыдущего дня

04.02.19 10:00UTC - 05.02.19 10:00UTC - минимальная 0.017WAVES (не выставить цену ниже) x1.7 от предыдущего дня

ну и так далее…безконечный рост :slight_smile: причом конечно с каждым днём иксы от предыдущего дня постепенно падают… как всегда в подобных играх кто заходит первым и несёт самые крупные риски - выносит самые крупные прибыли!

Да, идея не нова, но волновые смартконтракты и интегрированая в блокчейн биржа позволяют полностью исключить любые манипуляции со стороны разработчиков или биржы и гарантировать действительно честную игру!
Создатели монеты - если вы меня читаете - огромный вам респект!
Всем удачи, богатства и изобилия в жизни!

Очень важно - время жизни ордера для монеты - 1 час! Больше не выйдет поставить!

зы: у вас есть еще примерно 2 часа, чтобы купить по 0.005 , а потом продать по 0,01 и удвоиться! :slight_smile:

Купить SURGE - завтра вырастет!
Группа Телеграм
Hallo alle Waves-Anhänger!

Vor zwei Tagen erhalten alle, die mehr als 1 Wellen am Gleichgewicht halten, rund 145 SURGE-Münzen (SURGE OF WAVES - gute Idee). Das ist keine gewöhnliche Münze - es ist eine alltägliche Preiswachstumsmünze! Als intelligenter Vermögenswert hergestellt, wird garantiert, dass der Mindestpreis von den Tagen ab der Ausgabe abhängt.

Heutiger Preis = 0,001 * (1 + Tage ^ 2) WELLEN_, wobei Tage - Anzahl der Tage vom 31.01.19 10: 00UTC vergangen sind
31.01.19 10: 00UTC - 01.02.19 10: 00UTC - Preis 0 (Bestellung nicht möglich)

01.02.19 10: 00UTC - 02.02.19 10: 00UTC - Mindestpreis 0,002WAVES (nicht möglich, Bestellung unter dem Mindestpreis)

02.02.19 10: 00UTC - 03.02.19 10: 00UTC - Mindestpreis 0,005WAVES (nicht möglich, Mindestbestellwert unterschreiten) x2,5 vom Vortag

03.02.19 10: 00UTC - 04.02.19 10: 00UTC - Mindestpreis 0.01WAVES (nicht möglich, niedrigere Mindestbestellmenge als möglich) x2 vom Vortag

04.02.19 10: 00UTC - 05.02.19 10: 00UTC - Mindestpreis 0.017WAVES (nicht möglich, Mindestbestellwert unterschreiten) x1,7 des Vortages

und mehr und mehr wächst … aber mit jedem Tag “x” steigen die Preise wenig

Wer zuerst kommt und riskiert, gewinnt mehr - Herrschaft über ein reiches Leben.

Und die Hauptsache ist, dass die Regeln eines Spiels von WAVES SMART CONTRACT garantiert werden und nicht von einigen Giervölkern wie in anderen Spielen geändert werden können.

** Max Zeit der Bestellung für dieses asset-1 STUNDE !!! Es ist wichtig!!!**

Ich wünsche allen viel Glück! Und Respekt vor den Machern dieser Münze!

ps: Sie haben rund 3 Stunden Zeit, um 0,005WAVES-Münzen zu kaufen und danach um 0,01WAVES zu verkaufen und Ihre Investition zu verdoppeln!
Surge kaufen - Preis immer weiter erhöhen
Surge Telegram group

Bonjour à tous les adeptes de Waves!

Il y a deux jours, tous ceux qui ont plus d’une vague en équilibre gagnent environ 145 pièces SURGE (SURGE of WAVES - bonne idée). Ce n’est pas une pièce ordinaire - c’est une pièce de tous les jours qui augmente! Conçu comme un actif intelligent, son prix minimal garanti dépend des jours écoulés.

Prix actuel = 0.001 * (1 + jours ^ 2) VAGUES, où jours - nombre de jours écoulés du 31.01.19 10: 00UTC
31.01.19 10: 00UTC - 01.02.19 10: 00UTC - prix 0 (commande impossible)

    01.02.19 10: 00UTC - 02.02.19 10: 00UTC - prix minimal 0.002WAVES (impossible de faire une commande inférieure au prix minimal)

    02.02.19 10: 00UTC - 03.02.19 10: 00UTC - prix minimal 0.005WAVES (impossible de commander à un prix inférieur au prix minimal) x2.5 du jour précédent

    03.02.19 10: 00UTC - 04.02.19 10: 00UTC - prix minimal 0.01VAGUES (impossible de commander à un prix inférieur au prix minimal) x2 du jour précédent

    04.02.19 10: 00UTC - 05.02.19 10: 00UTC - prix minimal 0.017WAVES (impossible de commander à un prix inférieur au prix minimal) x1,7 du jour précédent

et de plus en plus en croissance … mais avec chaque jour “x” hausse des prix viennent peu bas

Qui vient en premier et qui risque le premier gagne plus - règle d’une vie riche.

Et l’essentiel est que les règles d’un jeu soient garanties par WAVES SMART CONTRACT et ne puissent pas être modifiées par certains peuples avides comme dans d’autres jeux.
Durée maximale de commande pour ce bien - 1 heure !!! Il est important!!!
Je souhaite bonne chance à vous tous! Et respect aux créateurs de cette pièce!

ps: vous avez environ 3 heures pour acheter une pièce de 0.005WAVES et vendre par la suite de 0.01WAVES et doublez votre investissement!
Acheter Surge - Actif de croissance du prix constant
Surge Telegram group


两天前,每个持有超过1波浪的人都会得到大约145个SURGE硬币(浪潮的冲击 - 好主意)。这不是一个普通的硬币 - 它是每天价格增长的硬币!作为智能资产,它是最小的价格取决于从它的问题过去的日子。

今日价格= 0.001 *(1 +天^ 2)WAVES,天数 - 从31.01.19 10:00UTC过去的天数
31.01.19 10:00UTC - 01.02.19 10:00UTC - 价格0(不可能下单)

    01.02.19 10:00UTC  -  02.02.19 10:00UTC  - 最低价格0.002WAVES(不可能使订单低于最低价格)

    02.02.19 10:00UTC  -  03.02.19 10:00UTC  - 最低价格0.005WAVES(不可能使订单低于最低价格)x2.5从前一天

    03.02.19 10:00UTC  -  04.02.19 10:00UTC  - 最低价格0.01WAVES(不可能使订单低于最低价格)x2从前一天开始

    04.02.19 10:00UTC  -  05.02.19 10:00UTC  - 最低价格0.017WAVES(不可能使订单低于最低价格)x1.7从前一天开始


谁先来冒险,先冒险赢得更多 - 富裕生活的统治。

最主要的是由WAVES SMART CONTRACT保证的游戏规则,并且不能像其他游戏那样被一些贪婪的人改变。

该资产的最大订购时间-1小时!!!! 这很重要!!!
购买激增 - 始终价格增长资产
Surge Telegram group

Halo semua pengikut Gelombang!

Dua hari yang lalu semua orang yang memiliki saldo lebih dari 1 gelombang mendapatkan sekitar 145 koin SURGE (SURGE of WAVES - ide bagus). Itu bukan koin biasa - itu adalah koin yang tumbuh setiap hari! Dibuat sebagai aset cerdas dijamin harga minimal tergantung dari hari berlalu dari masalah itu.

Harga hari ini = 0,001 * (1 + hari ^ 2) WAVES, di mana hari - hari berlalu dari 31.01.19 10: 00UTC
31.01.19 10: 00UTC - 01.02.19 10: 00UTC - harga 0 (tidak mungkin dipesan)

    01.02.19 10: 00UTC - 02.02.19 10: 00UTC - harga minimum 0,002WAVES (tidak mungkin membuat pesanan lebih rendah dari harga minimum)

    02.02.19 10: 00UTC - 03.02.19 10: 00UTC - harga minimal 0,005WAVES (tidak mungkin membuat pesanan lebih rendah dari harga minimal) x2.5 dari hari sebelumnya

    03.02.19 10: 00UTC - 04.02.19 10: 00UTC - harga minimal 0.01WAVES (tidak mungkin buat pesanan lebih rendah dari harga minimal) x2 dari hari sebelumnya

    04.02.19 10: 00UTC - 05.02.19 10: 00UTC - harga minimal 0.017WAVES (tidak mungkin membuat pesanan lebih rendah dari harga minimum) x1.7 dari hari sebelumnya

dan semakin banyak tumbuh … tetapi dengan setiap hari “x” kenaikan harga datang sedikit rendah

Siapa yang datang pertama dan mempertaruhkan pertama menang lebih banyak - aturan kehidupan yang kaya.

Dan hal utama adalah aturan permainan yang dijamin oleh WAVES SMART CONTRACT dan tidak dapat diubah oleh beberapa orang rakus seperti di game lain.

** Waktu maksimal untuk itu aset - 1 jam !!! Ini penting!!!**

Semoga beruntung untuk kalian semua! Dan hormat kepada pencipta koin itu!

ps: Anda memiliki sekitar 3 jam untuk membeli koin sebesar 0,005WAVES dan menjual setelah itu sebesar 0,01WAVES dan gandakan investasi Anda!
Beli Lonjakan - Selalu Menumbuhkan Aset
Surge Telegram group

مرحبا بكل أتباع الأمواج!

قبل يومين كل شخص يحمل أكثر من موجة واحدة في الميزان يحصل على حوالي 145 عملة احتياطية (موجة من الأمواج - فكرة جيدة). هذه ليست عملة معدنية عادية إنها عملة معدنية تنمو كل يوم جعل كمكسب ذكي هو محصن السعر الأدنى يعتمد على الأيام التي مرت من إصداره.

اليوم السعر = 0.001*(1+أيام^2) موجات ، حيث أيام - عدد الأيام التي مرت من 31.01.19 10:00UTC
31.01.19 10: 00utc-01.02.19 10: 00utc-price 0 (لا يمكن إصدار أمر)

01.02.19 10: 00utc-02.02.19 10: 00utc-minimal price 0.002 waves (لا يمكن جعل الطلب أقل من السعر الأدنى)

02.02.19 10:00UTC - 03.02.19 10:00UTC - سعر الحد الأدنى 0.005 موجات (ليس من الممكن جعل النظام أقل من الحد الأدنى من السعر) x2.5 من اليوم السابق

03.02.19 10: 00utc-04.02.19 10:

04.02.19 10:00UTC - 05.02.19 10:00UTC - سعر الحد الأدنى 0.017 موجات (ليس من الممكن جعل النظام أقل من الحد الأدنى من السعر) x1.7 من اليوم السابق

واكثر واكثر ازديادا لكن مع كل يوم ترتفع اسعار “اكس” تنخفض قليلا

الذين يأتون أولا ويخاطرون أولا الفوز أكثر قاعدة من حياة غنية.

والشيء الرئيسي هو أن قواعد اللعبة تضمنها موجات ذكية عقد ولا يمكن تغييرها من قبل بعض الناس الجشعين كما في ألعاب أخرى.

الوقت الأقصى لذلك العميل-ساعة واحدة !!! إنه عاجز!!!

أتمنى لكم جميعا الحظ! وإحترام مبدعي تلك العملة!

ب. س: لديك حوالي 3 ساعات لشراء عملة معدنية بنسبة 0.005 موجات وبيعها بعد ذلك بنسبة 0.01 موجات ومضاعفة استثمارك!
شراء الأصول المزدهرة
مجموعة البرقيات المفاجئة


You must set the order time in 1 hour

I am not able to Sell Surge tokens, so it is just like a SPAM Token for me.

Set the expiration of your order to 1 hour

That i did too many times, orders get created but never sell out. How to sell it then?

его невозможно продать вообще…

Yes, it’s like a SCAM token, it can not sell. Can I sell it on some other platform at less price? If anyone wants to buy 151 Surge at some low price then do contact me here. Thankx

I will list on my site soon to sell My Surge coins, and will share link with you soon .

Surge dead, Alogic rules and gives Airdrops:

1 Like

Good news for Surge lovers! Somebody make huge spam for crypto e-mails and telegram. Real whales flow inside and big moves will come soon! Buy now or you can late for party!!! :slight_smile:

I am buy little. Very risk but big return.

This seems like a scam. You will never sell it. All purchase / sale deals go between few addresses.
For instance, look at this:

You could explore more and find this:

yes, I tried to sell 145 Surge manually or by bot - it place 2 order per minutes with expiration 100 minutes (0.7 Surge per order). It works more than 3 days and bot sell nothing :wink:

Meanwhile only one seller and one buyer make all trade stat. I don’t now how it works with DEX but it’s not good for DEX. Maybe it works through API matcher. But It’s a trading out of queue and such transactions should not fall into the general trading statistics.

blockchain power! :slight_smile:

1 Like

You can never sell Surge. The code permits 100 minutes orders. But DEX gives you max of 60 minutes to sell this token. If the token owners are trading with a script they will always be in 40 minutes of advantage sale time range that you will never get in because your order will expire before you can get in line within a 100 minute period. Unless you write a script that will renew your sales orders every 100 minutes do not waste your time trying to sell it…

1 Like

yes, but the problem is more complex :slight_smile: The token issuer make trade with a shift of 30 days delay for each its order :grinning: You could see it in DEX bids. Its orders was placed 30 days ago and not active until today, then orders activate in time and live 100 minutes. That’s why only the token issuer could exchange this token between their addresses. It’s a scam :sunglasses:

This seems like blockchain newbie discuss with himself. Surge script unchangeble - all knows that. If i can sell it at March - i can sell it now.

dude, don’t worry about it, my message was for peoples who can parse message_with_facts and ignore blabla-message

ps newbie LOL
pss ‘all knows that’ LOL
psss ‘If i can sell it at March - i can sell it now’ my favorite quote

you need facts? Easy to get!

All script change transactions from 11.01.19 to 07.06.19

2019.06.02 02:10 (1553028) (smart asset) 3PA6Q9LCUGokW1ga3g3mMcBRzwELWDDPqeq -> NULL -0.00 Forge 2019.06.01 16:14 (1552425) (smart asset) 3PA6Q9LCUGokW1ga3g3mMcBRzwELWDDPqeq -> NULL -0.00 Forge 2019.06.01 16:05 (1552415) (smart asset) 3PA6Q9LCUGokW1ga3g3mMcBRzwELWDDPqeq -> NULL -0.00 Forge 2019.06.01 01:16 (1551503) (smart asset) 3PCdHr1tDiHCUJKeN3ooziWEYLmGsZcNTvS -> NULL -0 Saxon 2019.05.31 18:43 (1551115) (smart asset) 3PA6Q9LCUGokW1ga3g3mMcBRzwELWDDPqeq -> NULL -0.00 Forge 2019.05.31 18:26 (1551099) (smart asset) 3PA6Q9LCUGokW1ga3g3mMcBRzwELWDDPqeq -> NULL -0.00 Forge 2019.05.31 16:57 (1551015) (smart asset) 3PCdHr1tDiHCUJKeN3ooziWEYLmGsZcNTvS -> NULL -0 Saxon 2019.05.31 11:54 (1550703) (smart asset) 3PFxdGfE7nVumGpGwwcytrTCDdfq54jeJa6 -> NULL -0.000 PoltEcoCoin 2019.05.29 17:12 (1548101) (smart asset) 3P86UdUyY2d4n15xHFMqVuuVsaxj7mNmtBh -> NULL -0 WANNA 2019.05.19 14:14 (1533342) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 08:52 (1533009) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 08:48 (1533004) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 08:46 (1533002) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 08:43 (1533000) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 08:40 (1532997) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 05:25 (1532796) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 05:20 (1532792) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.19 05:10 (1532780) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.16 14:16 (1528963) (smart asset) 3PEB2WK7EF8mzQPMJ4tuNKcUrVpMofKj61F -> NULL -0.00000000 Swell 2019.05.10 17:41 (1520329) (smart asset) 3PFxdGfE7nVumGpGwwcytrTCDdfq54jeJa6 -> NULL -0.000 BGold 2019.05.10 00:00 (1519245) (smart asset) 3PFxdGfE7nVumGpGwwcytrTCDdfq54jeJa6 -> NULL -0.000 Test Drive 2019.05.09 23:06 (1519192) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.09 22:43 (1519167) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.09 22:36 (1519160) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.05.09 21:07 (1519076) (smart asset) 3PA1KvFfq9VuJjg45p2ytGgaNjrgnLSgf4r -> NULL -0.00000000 TurtleSmartAsset 2019.05.09 17:57 (1518888) (smart asset) 3P9c8eRDJFBAXCzah6J2QTJoK7VNBtkSGpd -> NULL -0.00000000 FullMoon 2019.05.08 21:29 (1517657) (smart asset) 3PFxdGfE7nVumGpGwwcytrTCDdfq54jeJa6 -> NULL -0.000 Test Drive 2019.05.08 18:38 (1517500) (smart asset) 3PA1KvFfq9VuJjg45p2ytGgaNjrgnLSgf4r -> NULL -0.00000000 TurtleSmartAsset 2019.05.08 18:15 (1517476) (smart asset) 3PFxdGfE7nVumGpGwwcytrTCDdfq54jeJa6 -> NULL -0.000 Test SA 2019.05.07 11:42 (1515607) (smart asset) 3PPny4mg2dyBRWiJyEsipthy7sdTRMZwrsB -> NULL -0.00 nowavet 2019.05.07 09:48 (1515492) (smart asset) 3PPny4mg2dyBRWiJyEsipthy7sdTRMZwrsB -> NULL -0.00 nowavet 2019.05.07 07:56 (1515374) (smart asset) 3PPny4mg2dyBRWiJyEsipthy7sdTRMZwrsB -> NULL -0.00 nowavet 2019.05.07 07:44 (1515360) (smart asset) 3PPny4mg2dyBRWiJyEsipthy7sdTRMZwrsB -> NULL -0.00 nowavet 2019.05.01 09:08 (1506751) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.04.26 17:34 (1499933) (smart asset) 3P4sk7EbUSXCQiXGWVPMYtYsDJNAxhyFiYV -> NULL -0 ValerianChain 2019.04.26 17:29 (1499929) (smart asset) 3P4sk7EbUSXCQiXGWVPMYtYsDJNAxhyFiYV -> NULL -0 ValerianChain 2019.04.26 06:58 (1499261) (smart asset) 3P4sk7EbUSXCQiXGWVPMYtYsDJNAxhyFiYV -> NULL -0 ValerianChain 2019.04.26 06:54 (1499254) (smart asset) 3P4sk7EbUSXCQiXGWVPMYtYsDJNAxhyFiYV -> NULL -0 ValerianChain 2019.04.26 06:44 (1499245) (smart asset) 3P4sk7EbUSXCQiXGWVPMYtYsDJNAxhyFiYV -> NULL -0 ValerianChain 2019.04.18 20:04 (1488375) (smart asset) 3P3oH9HHoCuoqSBNvVK8kvff39ikAF9DJgV -> NULL -0 WavesRewardToken 2019.04.18 15:30 (1488101) (smart asset) 3P3oH9HHoCuoqSBNvVK8kvff39ikAF9DJgV -> NULL -0 WavesRewardToken 2019.04.18 14:36 (1488048) (smart asset) 3P3oH9HHoCuoqSBNvVK8kvff39ikAF9DJgV -> NULL -0 WavesRewardToken 2019.04.17 15:39 (1486663) (smart asset) 3P9Typ8Wnoxt719juABnCeErU5wAvfcXAU9 -> NULL -0.00000000 TETH 2019.04.17 12:44 (1486486) (smart asset) 3P9Typ8Wnoxt719juABnCeErU5wAvfcXAU9 -> NULL -0.00000000 TETH 2019.04.17 12:24 (1486470) (smart asset) 3P9Typ8Wnoxt719juABnCeErU5wAvfcXAU9 -> NULL -0.00000000 TBTC 2019.04.17 10:30 (1486349) (smart asset) 3P9Typ8Wnoxt719juABnCeErU5wAvfcXAU9 -> NULL -0.00000000 TBTC 2019.04.17 00:21 (1485730) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.04.16 18:13 (1485346) (smart asset) 3P9Typ8Wnoxt719juABnCeErU5wAvfcXAU9 -> NULL -0.00000000 TNULL 2019.04.16 11:41 (1484954) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.04.10 03:05 (1475679) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.04.10 01:26 (1475568) (smart asset) 3P9c8eRDJFBAXCzah6J2QTJoK7VNBtkSGpd -> NULL -0.00000000 FullMoon 2019.04.09 17:47 (1475106) (smart asset) 3P9c8eRDJFBAXCzah6J2QTJoK7VNBtkSGpd -> NULL -0.00000000 FullMoon 2019.04.09 13:39 (1474861) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 HeySay 2019.04.09 05:18 (1474346) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.09 05:13 (1474343) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.09 04:49 (1474318) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 PAR7GO blacklist 2019.04.09 01:41 (1474127) (smart asset) 3P61b6te2fvjL7agKHqNcCkputgYs65xw5R -> NULL -0.00000000 Krosscoin 2019.04.07 01:08 (1471186) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.04.06 05:57 (1469997) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 05:49 (1469987) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 05:48 (1469985) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 05:43 (1469981) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 05:36 (1469974) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 04:43 (1469914) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 04:36 (1469907) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 04:29 (1469898) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 04:14 (1469877) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.04.06 02:38 (1469785) (smart asset) 3P5RkN91X7Nj2Q5XQL1jerY251iXahJCRmC -> NULL -0.00000000 WTSc 2019.04.05 16:39 (1469187) (smart asset) 3P9c8eRDJFBAXCzah6J2QTJoK7VNBtkSGpd -> NULL -0.00000000 FullMoon 2019.04.04 13:39 (1467556) (smart asset) 3PMPXBLjPXUUYZxGWykVHeDTga2mMSDkkcN -> NULL -0.00000000 Nami 2019.03.31 04:34 (1461152) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.31 04:27 (1461145) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.31 04:25 (1461141) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.29 05:13 (1458305) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.29 05:00 (1458288) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.29 04:58 (1458285) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.29 04:47 (1458274) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.29 04:42 (1458268) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.29 04:37 (1458263) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR7PAY 2019.03.28 06:09 (1456897) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.03.28 06:03 (1456892) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0 PAR7GO blacklist 2019.03.22 22:00 (1449147) (smart asset) 3PGmfTgMZQHb8rCf4KUv9gDHoaEJiGRgzLt -> NULL -0.00000000 Bons 2019.03.22 18:53 (1448958) (smart asset) 3PGmfTgMZQHb8rCf4KUv9gDHoaEJiGRgzLt -> NULL -0.00000000 Bons 2019.03.19 16:24 (1444446) (smart asset) 3PG5CZ82jZDBKRkWwu7FWiAH9DhDfbhUzrA -> NULL -0.00 PAR ZERO 2019.03.09 10:36 (1429458) (smart asset) 3PKRQR55KCZMpGweopfyVBhKX5hKx5385cB -> NULL -0.00000000 ARKAT 2019.03.08 06:59 (1427789) (smart asset) 3PMPXBLjPXUUYZxGWykVHeDTga2mMSDkkcN -> NULL -0.00000000 Nami 2019.03.07 22:41 (1427261) (smart asset) 3PKRQR55KCZMpGweopfyVBhKX5hKx5385cB -> NULL -0.00000000 ARKAT 2019.02.23 04:57 (1408614) (smart asset) 3PJYLEzuRQqCGknwjaUqmuyVZwqhg183xV3 -> NULL -0.00000000 High Rise 2019.02.23 04:40 (1408596) (smart asset) 3PJYLEzuRQqCGknwjaUqmuyVZwqhg183xV3 -> NULL -0.00000000 High Rise 2019.02.17 23:55 (1400966) (smart asset) 3P5LGw53DUaEQU3j81JtugC77B66mMPECbw -> NULL -0.00 VipDoubleMoney 2019.02.17 23:30 (1400942) (smart asset) 3P5LGw53DUaEQU3j81JtugC77B66mMPECbw -> NULL -0.00 VipDoubleMoney 2019.02.14 14:33 (1396011) (smart asset) 3P44Va3MoiSfaPJmaAeoturd7SzdxyrnQzj -> NULL -0.00 testCoin42 2019.02.14 14:30 (1396007) (smart asset) 3P44Va3MoiSfaPJmaAeoturd7SzdxyrnQzj -> NULL -0.00 testCoin42 2019.02.13 22:29 (1395020) (smart asset) 3PEDRkEoiyhXN6sfueR5aEs9hwZv7EEfxU4 -> NULL -0.00000000 IKOSCOIN 2019.02.13 18:33 (1394778) (smart asset) 3PMQ27yBjrshdxGmFjTZHY6taN17saQyfM8 -> NULL -0.00000000 Batata Quente 2019.02.13 12:27 (1394416) (smart asset) 3PEDRkEoiyhXN6sfueR5aEs9hwZv7EEfxU4 -> NULL -0.00000000 IKOSCOIN 2019.02.13 00:56 (1393702) (smart asset) 3P7YPC8ZmeiRcUpnPgJNWPr2dDwdJC4g55H -> NULL -0.00000000 AWARD 2019.02.12 14:56 (1393106) (smart asset) 3P61b6te2fvjL7agKHqNcCkputgYs65xw5R -> NULL -0.00000000 Krosscoin 2019.02.12 14:39 (1393090) (smart asset) 3P61b6te2fvjL7agKHqNcCkputgYs65xw5R -> NULL -0.00000000 Krosscoin 2019.02.11 17:16 (1391795) (smart asset) 3PCaGZgCLQk8rxd43UBm4FxRqUt4wFG9kfZ -> NULL -0 PredictionToken 2019.02.01 14:33 (1377081) (smart asset) 3PBLabMJwedfZMXmp4CxhmKLBH5LXRHQ91i -> NULL -0.00000000 Surge 2019.02.01 12:27 (1376964) (smart asset) 3PBLabMJwedfZMXmp4CxhmKLBH5LXRHQ91i -> NULL -0.00000000 Surge 2019.01.29 16:40 (1372793) (smart asset) 3P4V5znH4AvkpNVZ2EKSmkdSCeJppsZ4x8F -> NULL -0.00000000 BetterTokenTrade 2019.01.28 13:29 (1371146) (smart asset) 3P4AJZU9gbMTDSRsrTmwXg7HjCRWkqRZcH5 -> NULL -0 Wish 2019.01.25 17:49 (1367041) (smart asset) 3PNaua1fMrQm4TArqeTuakmY1u985CgMRk6 -> NULL -0.00000000 SmartAssetTrue 2019.01.21 15:59 (1361129) (smart asset) 3P5r1EXZwxJ21f3T3zvjx61RtY52QV4fb18 -> NULL -0.00000000 VerySmartAsset 2019.01.11 13:14 (1346352) (smart asset) 3P67JUW8Djit7hMjKhADmn6CWvKPbRuh2sQ -> NULL -0.00000000 WhitelistAsset 2019.01.11 13:05 (1346346) (smart asset) 3P67JUW8Djit7hMjKhADmn6CWvKPbRuh2sQ -> NULL -0.00000000 WhitelistAsset 2019.01.11 13:03 (1346345) (smart asset) 3P67JUW8Djit7hMjKhADmn6CWvKPbRuh2sQ -> NULL -0.00000000 WhitelistAsset

Only 2 is about Surge when it was created.

2019.02.01 14:33 (1377081) (smart asset) 3PBLabMJwedfZMXmp4CxhmKLBH5LXRHQ91i -> NULL -0.00000000 Surge
2019.02.01 12:27 (1376964) (smart asset) 3PBLabMJwedfZMXmp4CxhmKLBH5LXRHQ91i -> NULL -0.00000000 Surge

After that lots of people made deals sales and buys.

Show to me and other people transaction in Waves blockchain where surge creator change surge script after 01.02.19. You cannot show? Why? he can hide it? no!

You cannot find it because SURGE SCRIPT NEVER CHANGE AFTER 01.02.19 and cannot ever changed, because script changing was locked at last script change (01.02.19 14:33).
You can read smart assets scripts?

never write things you donot know like that

“only the token issuer could exchange this token”
“You will never sell it”

blockchain is not a power :muscle:. blockchain is lot of shame

great volume today. any news?

you’re a lying person.if you lied in March, what’s to stop you from lying in December?let the that you carry in this world you will return!