WEP 6: Lease expiry

I won’t do something I don’t want just because you want it!

I have my full node running, because first I want to make the platform more decentralized, second I have my voting power and third more security for everyone, because the blockchain will have more redundancy!

This makes the project less susceptible to failures and vote buying.

Why do you think half of the full nodes of the waves do not forge blocks but are working?

I definitely not know what say to you, really, I not know if you trolling me or talking seriously.

I’m serious, if you did not understand yet you do not care about the project!

  1. Well, my node consumes 15 Watt, that is 11.160 kWh monthly. In my country electricity costs 0.067 $ per kWh, which gives $0.75 per month. Add $5.6 for internet bill and you will get $6.35 per month. My node stake earns approx $10 per month, so it definitely profitable AND I am sure much more profitable than majority of nodes.
  2. This is free market and thus all prices and conditions are market driven. If 100% is bad, than what is good? 99.99%? or 50%? The market itself should consider what is good and what is bad

Didn’t know how to phrase it/put my finger on it, but you explained a part of what I was trying to say. Thank you!

As an addition, I don’t think it is generally bad to have a change due to a transaction two years ago, IF the user chose it, which is not the case in this WEP. If you give the user the option to set a cancel date (amount of blocks), that’s fine.

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My node stake earns approx $10 per month, so it definitely profitable AND I am sure much more profitable than majority of nodes.

in which way is your node more profitable? There are nodes paying out 100% Waves (or even more) and 100% MRT. You say you earn 10$ per month, but pay 6.35 $ for running it. even leasing to a 50% paying node is more profitable.

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Like I said, internet bill is not dedicated to node - it covers complete consumption of my family. In fact, node pays for internet and 70% of electricity consumed in my house.
Of course, direct trading on DEX brings much more, than leasing does, but still.
My point is - if node takes even 0.1% from leasers, it should compensate this robbery somehow. By providing additional services, paying in some valuable tokens etc

Only one question: You have a node in your home?

Yes. In the beginning I had instance rented for some 6 euro, but then found much cheaper solution

Which you prove my point with, only fan-boys see a reason to run waves nodes with 100% payouts.
So soon we don’t have this, even non fan boys can start nodes and slowly join the ecosystem and grow.

When I had my node, I didn’t had any waves back in the day, a few years ago. But it seemed cool, be able to join a crypto project without need to have money ( I was a poor student back then). So I tried it, I hanged around, and slowly started accumulating waves.
Even if only 1/10 nodes do this after they join waves-mining without waves, you already profit. Even if it just brings 1 more node, or 1 more long-term investor/interested person you win.
With 100% pay-outs you cut out that chance :slight_smile:


A waves node shouldn’t really been run on home servers etc.
You most likely have lot’s of single point of failures.
Likely lot’s of possible downtimes, internet provider, power provider, …
A datacenter normally doesn’t have these weak spots and thus for a strong and healthy network, it’s preferable to run in a datacenter.


My point is - if node takes even 0.1% from leasers, it should compensate this robbery somehow.

Robbery? Nodes are offering a service, which obviously has its price. I got no idea how people still believe altruism has its place in securing a network.

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And who lose with this break point? Lessors in node, but, who cares.

The whole network loses when nodes are dropping regulary from the system

Back to topic: We understand the concerns about security for people leasing from cold storage. It would be good to give these an advise to renew their lease in a random amount of time, so a potential attacker wouldn’t know exact.

Another idea were to list nodes and ratings about them in DEX apps and implement an easy way to randomly distribute a lease to many nodes.

This should be put in to an update and reset most forgotten leases from inactive wallets from years ago

Allow waves keeper or the new signing system to work with ledger, trezor etc maybe a solution

We from WFN think that WEP-6 is about to come back for public discussion and some reasons why:

  • Remove dead wallets from staking
  • Punish nodes that already go in shadows but still mine waves from dead wallets
  • Make nodes owners active in eco and avoid future cheats vs stakers
  • Make stakers start to care for their Weves
  • Voting power needs to get out from shadows nodes

Acording to last data calculating from Isgeny there is about 3M dead waves in active nodes and shadows ones


Just curious, how he found out they are dead wallets?