Cryptin Wavesnode

Our payments report page has been updated and now shows all payment till date.

This week our node mined 120 blocks for a total of 693 Waves!

Start leasing to us to get your share next week :).

Our Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8
Or use the alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

We have translated the WavesFX Wallet to Dutch this week and sent a PR on Github.

We hope everyone has a great X-Mas!

Hi everyone! We did payment number 70 to our lessors, this week we mined 105 blocks for a total of 598 WAVES. We hope to see everyone in good health in 2020! Of course we will still be ridin’ the Waves in 2020. :sunglasses:

Payment details:

We are happy to announce we got a new lease from Waves community nodes program! :slight_smile:

The first payment of 2020 has been done. This week we mined 137 blocks for 781 WAVES in revenue! This is a new ATH for us. :partying_face:

You can find all payment details on our website:

Our new video explaining how neutrino works is live:

It would be nice if you added usd-n staking and usd-nb bying/liquidating too

What do you mean? This is being explained in the video right?

I mean there are aspects. Like why usd-n staking (usually) more profitable, than waves leasing, why “leverage” happens. Also things like 1440 blocks delay etc

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Yeah there are lots of things to explain but in this video we wanted to keep it as simple as possible for people to understand the basic idea. Maybe we will do another video on this later :).

Our node mined 124 blocks this week and we redistributed 721 Waves back to our lessors.

Our Waves lease (LPoS) address: 3PPPTqGUYHJUYqKkRCV3kAS44guun9iN7J8
Or use the alias: cryptinwaves

Payment details:

Our node has been updated to version 1.1.7

Our weekly lease payment is underway. This week our node mined 115 blocks for a total of 676 WAVES redistributed back to our lessors.

Lease to us:
Or use the alias: cryptinwaves

Payment 73 details:

Payment 74 is underway. This week we mined 108 blocks for a total of 613 WAVES.

Payment details:

We have updated our tools and links page:

Payment 75 is being done. This week we mined 115 WAVES for a total of 650 WAVES being distributed back to all who leased to Cryptin.

Payment details:

We’ve running a node vor 75 consecutive weeks now and would like to hear what you think of us?

Do you like what we do for the Waves ecosystem? Do you think our payment policy is fair? What should we do different? Please let us know! :slight_smile: